Monday, May 24, 2010

We Prefer Sturdy

Tonight we (Chase, Mom and I) grew frustrated with technology and decided to go for a walk which turned into a jog.

Over the years I admit to putting on a few pounds. Last summer Mom was worried about me and the Kansas heat/humidity and asked the vet if shaving me would be better (she knew I am slightly vain and would be devastated in being bald). He replied:
"It's not so much the fur as the 'extra'".
We gasped. You don't say such things to a lady.

Admittedly, I have never missed a meal, a scrap on the floor of if Chase isn't quick enough maybe his share too. But don't call me fat. Mommy says we are sturdy girls in our house. I tend to agree there is nothing wrong with that.

Though after dragging tail more than I would have liked today (but we did finish strong) Mom and I have made an agreement to make the runs more regular and treats in moderation. One of the downfalls of being Head-Taster for the business, they are all so good! Plus, I am not a swim suit ready dog just yet.

Run on friends! While I recooperate on the cool tile and with an ice cube.

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