Monday, December 27, 2010


As we chew on our Christmas toys and savor the extra holiday treats we take a few moments to reflect on 2010 for Rosita's Ruff Cakes. Our company is fairly young in an 'official' sense. In February we launched on Rosita's 5th birthday and started attending shows and events to get our name out there.

There have been a few road blocks: hosting our grand opening, a typo in some of our materials. But there have also been some great strides: graduating from First Step Fast Trac, presenting at the Chamber Expo, media coverage and winning the TK Business Magazine Evolve contest. This holiday season there were several orders and sales made, lots of birthday cakes delivered and a few new recipes tested.

Along the way we've made new friends, developed business relationships and hopefully helped a few pups out along the way. Our favorite is sharing extra treats with the Helping Hands Humane Society guests.

Lately we've been spending a lot of time at the grooming shop learning some techniques and testing our abilities. It is amazing the various dogs, cuts and styles that goes with each. Talk about an art form!

Mom also has some exciting things in the works we aren't allowed to share. Thank you for your support this year and we appreciate you trying Rosita's Ruff  Cakes and helping us to start our business. As we look toward the new year we see possibilities and know that Topeka is the place to grow and support our doggie business.

Now, back to those leftover Christmas cookies :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Groomer's Delight

Having a pet usually requires some type of grooming. The amount depends on the breed and what the parents can do themselves. With our Chase its pretty low maintenance. We brush him, trim his nails and give him a bath at home. No problems and he gets a treat afterward. Rosita is a very different story. She is so very fluffy and runs to her kennel if I approach the basket containing her brush. Then if we do trick her into a brushable position she'll try and nip or roll on her back.

As a good mother I always warn the groomer. "You may want to muzzle her. She hates to having her nails trimmed." One groomer I must not have warned well enough, because I was lectured after Rosita nipped at her pretty good. Needless to say we didn't go back there, even though the lady said she would try it again.

Then we've tried the PetsMart route but we just didn't have good luck, and that didn't have to do with Rosita's attitude. As we found another groomer they kept telling us that Rosita was getting better and they just had to be careful around the hindquarters. She may have been improving there but was definitely not at home; whenever I could pin her down for a brushing I would get a whole dog in fur and a lot of sass.

This past week and on a couple of Saturdays I've been going in to observe and learn how to groom at Pampered Pets. I had lamented how tough Rosita was to groom, her nails were dreaded and brushing was a special skill. Well, I know that when pet parents hang around during grooming the dog usually get anxious and acts up a bit. So it is better if they leave while the professionals go to work. But I wanted to learn and no one better to practice on than my own spoiled pet. As soon as I put Rosita on the grooming table we went to town brushing with nothing but a big smile from her. Granted, I had to hold her tight while we clipped the nails but it was miraculous. No blood shed, all appendages in tact and she was still wagging her tail.

The moral of this story is leave grooming to the professionals and don't forget to tip your doggie stylist this holiday season.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Season's Greetings

Happy Howlidays from Rosita's Ruff Cakes! We have much to be thankful for and reflect on as 2010 draws closer to the new year.

Less than a year ago our business was just a dream in Mommy's head that sometimes we got to enjoy for birthday cakes or sharing with friends and family during the holidays. Now our kitchen is busy with baking, packaging and creating delicious treats. The basement has become a second office and supply storage as the sewing machine has been a flurry making comfy pet beds and toys. As winter is upon us Mom can't fit her car in the garage due to her supplies and trade show props for the business.

It is like working two full-time jobs as we have yet to quit our day job. It has been a great challenge, yet rewarding as we've learned more about ourselves and what we want to do 'when we grow up.' To you our loyal clients thank you for your support and growing with us. We are looking forward to all 2011 has in store and we are excited for the journey.

May Santa Paws deliver Ruff Cakes to your stocking,
Rosita, Chase & Jenny

Friday, November 5, 2010

Taking Care of Business

The past month or so has been a whirlwind of activity for Rosita. There have been lots of opportunities for her to set up a booth to sell her gourmet dog treats and to get her name out there and within reason she's been doing everything she can.

October held and Oktoberfest and two Dogtober Fest events all reaching new audiences and communities. We have treats and will travel and this ment from Topeka to KC. In this traveling one woman show Mom's learned to pack the car with necessary supplies, do the math on how many treats we need to sell to cover our event expenses and most importantly, how to set up a pop-up tent by herself.

Now if you see Rosita's Ruff Cakes around town you won't see Rosita. She is a high maintenance dog that requires more attention and would draw away from the sales side of the business and Rosita has agreed to remain a pretty face at home.

What is exciting is seeing repeat customers and folks who are watching our website and Facebook updates to join us at our next location to purchase more treats. Its great to hear product testimonials and see the happy parent and pup.

The week of October 19th was crazy busy/awesome. Mom was on call for jury duty but had a booth at the Chamber of Commerce Business Expo and had just come off a double event weekend. Though the Business Expo proved to be a big success in getting our name out there. Rosita's Ruff Cakes LLC picked up two cake orders, a mention in the Topeka Capitol Journal AND won the award for Best First Time Exhibitor. Pretty sweet day!

Now Rosita is working on going big. She has outgrown her home kitchen and looking for a certified kitchen to bake in with more than one oven! Her treats will be processed for an analysis which is required for labeling and production at a commercial level. This is very exciting and educational. What's even better is that there are stores who are interested in selling our product. Rosita and Chase are howling with joy over the growth potential.

November is looking to be a super busy production month as well. First we have the Humane Society's 5k, then we're a vendor at the Junior League Merry Market, followed closely by the Lawrence Animal Fair, Lawrence Holiday Bazaar and the ever popular Pet Photos with Santa. We are really pushing holiday gifts for friends and family as well as business clients.

2 in 3 households have pets
1 in 3 have children (see the potential?)

And to think it all started because Chase has a sensitive stomach.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pet Product Reviews

I admit I've seen the infomercials and thought, "Hey, that is really cool." Though I've never called the number on the screen to take advantage of their limited offers of up sales and additional product for merely the cost of shipping and handling, I've made purchases in the store.

The first product we got was a rubber brush type thing that was supposed to get hair off of furniture and to brush the dog. I can't remember the name and even though I found it there is no branding, just a black brush. and it was a waste of probably $7. It is just a black rubber brush with rubber bristles and looks like it would be better used to wash your windows.

Now I haven't been able to trim Rosita's nails since she was a puppy and its no secret we have to beg groomers to do it for us. Chase is pretty easy. In a plea of desperation to make Rosita an at-home trim we requested a Pedi Paw for Christmas. I don't know if the noise settled her or what but she laid on her back and seemed open to the idea of me touching her paws when we hit a road block. Her paws were too fury and risked getting caught in the circling grinder. Another product to the garage sale pile.

If you come to the Oxandale house you will be greeted by two very vocal dogs. The mailman comes six days a week forever and the school bus comes and goes like clock work but Rosita will still bark and then cause Chase to join in. What drives me nuts is when the doorbell rings on TV during a commercial or regular programming and the run into the living room barking up a storm. Props to the the producers of such convincing sound work but its hard to handle. In our house I like to leave the door open so we can look out the front screen door. Having a dog that barks when people walk by, dogs walk by, kids ride their bike down the street or the neighbors park makes it near impossible. When using a squirt bottle with water and a touch of vinegar proved futile (Rosita would walk up and try to drink it) I went to something a little more aggressive. A bark collar. I didn't want to leave it on her all the time and with getting only one it could potentially only solve half the problem. Now though either my battery is dead or Rosita is just so fluffy it doesn't phase her. Initially I believe having a new and strange collar on may have caused a distraction but have seen no results.
A few months ago I was in Bed Bath and Beyond and saw for $10 something called Bark-Off. Just a white monitor that you put a battery in and mounted. then when your dogs barked it would emit a high pitched noise only they could hear and stop their barking. This was a joke. I set it up in the living room and the only reaction I got was a bark, tilt of the head and perk of the ear as they looked in the device's direction , and then continued barking.

My latest purchase was made just yesterday. Rosita love to play fetch and chew on tennis balls, but the basic pet store brand was destroyed within the hour and then didn't bounce well for our games. So at the pet store I decided to upgrade to Tuff Balls (industrial strength dog toys). They even came with an option of mint or peanut butter flavor to freshen breathe. I went with the mint and was looking to forward a long-lasting tennis ball. Well at 4 pm we gave Rosita the Tuff Balls and went to dinner. Upon returning home at 6pm she was sitting by the chair with the ball and her face was extremely swollen. The jury is still out on the life span of the Tuff Ball but it will not be decided by our dogs. Right now Rosita is so swollen she can't scratch behind her ears, whimpering and lying on the cold tile floor as she waits for the Benadryl to kick in.

Some things are just better to be seen on TV.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wanted: Head Taster

Today I went in for my annual vet check-up. It wasn't good news. I have a beautiful coat but have packed on a few extra pounds this past year. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to steal Chase's treats when Mom wasn't looking. When Dr. Parks didn't agree with my 'sturdy' philosophy he suggested I lose 10 pounds. Yikes!

With that Mom and I are both on Weight Watchers and I am having to take medical leave from work. Who will be the Head Taster for all of Mom's treats? Chase can't be trusted to be quality control; my job. No, for now I will be relegated to the healthy treats and it is probably a good thing I realized cucumbers are awesome.

Now usually after I go to the vet we swing by Dairy Queen for a pup cone. No such luck this trip; Mom got a 1/2 price Diet Soda at Sonic. Tonight I got a smidgen of peanut butter with my heart worm meds; then Mom used the new ear rinse. Talk about a bummer of a day. Dad is now even on the diet plan; this means no more suckers in this house.

The rest of the day is now shot. I have planted myself in my kennel to pout. Mommy and I will trudge thru this diet thing, we both have 10 pounds plus to lose. Yeah :(

Friday, June 18, 2010

Taking Care of Business

Today was a very exciting day for Rosita's Ruff Cakes. We started off by finishing up a birthday cake and party treats for Berkley. Then we took a sample package of treats to a local coffee shop, hoping they'll agree to carry PB Bones as well as our planned treat of the week. After a bit of a drive to Manhattan to make the birthday delivery we took some samples to a doggie boutique. Excitedly, that was a very promising meeting!

On the way back into Topeka we took another treat sampling to Dog Day Afternoon. Stay tuned as we'll will be setting up a booth during puppy pick up at the end of the day; then maybe even do a tweet up. Which means I'll have to learn a new social media outlet.

After stopping by home to fill up on more treat deliveries, we find our logo car magnets arrived AND our logo banner too! So after slapping those on the car we headed to Holton to fill a repeat order at All Around Sweets. There we happend to meet the owner of Homestead Pet Resort, another great network opportunity!
Now that Mommy has the business name and contact info on the car does that mean we have to be more careful about our driving? She's a great driver :) but sometimes we lack patience for those who can't follow the speed limit or rules of the road. We'll see if get any "How's my driving" calls.

We finished up the afternoon in Topeka with another lead for a local vendor. Topeka is a great place to start the business. There are other young professionals offering their assistance and resources as well as a great market for our product. Next month we'll be taking the First Step Fast Trac program thru the Chamber of Commerce.
To finish the great day we had dinner with Dad for his birthday. Mom finally made some human treats: red velvet cake.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fashionista. . .

Rosita has let Mommy take to the keyboard today, she's losing it:

We are kicking off wedding season, which means great parties, shopping for gifts and dressing in cute summer dresses. Those of you that know me am aware that I am fashion challenged. My college roommates would be impressed when I didn't wear jeans and a t-shirt to class, or a hat; a previous co-worker was proud when I didn't wear khakis or flats.

Now I am trying to be a grown-up, whatever that means, in my wardrobe or maybe I've seen too many episodes of "What not to Wear" and am cautiously awaiting the day Stacy and Clinton jump out of my office to reprimand me. Let's face it, I attempt to wear make-up on a daily basis, rarely go all out to do my hair and I wear more cardigans than my mother. . . recently I halted from a purchase because I realized it was the same one my mom had but a different color.

This or the fear of aging has become a wake-up call. The reality that I am not yet 30 and find myself shopping for pants with a slimming panel or a comfort waist (no I don't wear elastic mom jeans) became frightening. Also, for work I need to look the part, so I've started slowly trading in my flip flops for back breaking heels and busting out a few skirts and classic tops.

Today was a bit of a tipping point. As the first aforementioned wedding approaches I will be seen with ladies much more petite than myself which I'm very self-conscious of. Also I need to look extra put together at this wedding due to me needing a large redemption from my state at the bachelorette party.

As I was shopping today I realized I couldn't make a decision on my own. I found myself sending pictures to my co-workers asking for advice. . .is this too short? what color do I wear with this? and why do I feel like my @ss is hanging out if it's not too short? and do ladies these days not wear slips? this is too short and thin to fit one under. .scandalous.

When a 4ish year old sporting Dora shades pulled up a top for her mom to see and said: "this is fresh and fun," I was tempted to take her into the fitting room with me for desperate advice. Upon purchasing said dress I feel is too short, I headed to another store in search of shoes and almost fell over in shock of what was on the racks. As a third grader I vividly remember asking for tights with lace trim. Why the hell are these making a come-back? They were everywhere, along with neon colors. It was frightening during the 80's and this does not help to make me feel at ease regarding any of my purchases now.

Currently, I have shoes, dress, heels and accessories for this evenings rehearsal and tomorrows wedding. I have been assured via text and pics everything looks fine. . .but why am I still not sold? When my husband gets home I can ask him but his opinion can't be trusted. I'm the one who picks out and matches his wardrobe. Scary.

The evening could be entertaining and of course I'm not drinking which would make it a bit easier but: 1) I have to work tomorrow, 2) redemption is needed from drinking too much at the bachelorette party, 3) if I'm not constantly vigilant someone may see a show they didn't pay for.

Why do I give into peer pressure and is it worth it?

Sunday, June 6, 2010


While June 6, 2006 was slated to be the end of the world for some, for our household it represents a very special day for one of the men in my life. He has dark eyes, blonde, loves long walks, sleeping in, cuddling and chasing squirrels. 6-6-06 was Chase's adoption day into our family.

He was dropped off at the humane society on March 10, 2010 and estimated to be about a year old; apparently he was roaming downtown Memphis. At the time we were so full Chase was in a top kennel that he was almost too big for, by best guess he is a yellow lab/terrier mix and weights in around 45 lbs.

At the shelter we had a book with a picture and a bio of each dog, then you could request to meet the dog. When I did adoption days I would pick dogs from the book and Chase was not very photogenic. I didn't think Chase was very cute so I overlooked him for a few events. Then we were going to a grand opening, radio remote for a business and I decided to give the guy a chance.

I was smitten from the beginning. He walked well on a leash, put some moves on to be loved and sat beside me all day. Plus, he was much more handsome in person. So I visited him the next week, took him for walks and decided to bring him home to see if he got along with Rosita. Notice I didn't ask my husband. Brett walked in looked over and said, "Who is that?"

Well Chase got along with Rosita and I started the paperwork, but was going to wait to bring him home as we were going home to Kansas for my sister's wedding. I went ahead and bought a kennel, leash and collar. Then Brett told me: "Jenny, we don't need another dog." I cried. I had already put his name on the kennel, picked out his leash, new toys and obviously went ahead with the adoption.

When we brought Chase home it was an adjustment as he was a bit timid around men and it took him a while to become a cuddler. We've learned he has a sensitive stomach, hence I started making dog treats, no blankets or pillows in the kennel with him. So far this year he hasn't jumped the back fence but he enjoys running and playing outside.

So today we celebrate Chase turning 5 and all the love he has brought to our family.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rosita's Story Part II

Needless to say, Rosita made us a foster flunkie. Everyday she would go to work with me and sleep under my desk, and she was a perfect size and of course adorable to go be my shelter dog on educational visits. Rosita would woo them at schools, meetings and other speaking events.

As soon as this princess was up for adoption I filled out the paperwork and made it official. We had a little girl. Of course the news of our first child in our annual Christmas card was misleading and disappointing to those hoping for a human grandchild. Though she made our commute of 9 hours back to Kansas much more enjoyable. We would share a tootsie pop and some french fries.

Rosita attended obedience and received a diploma but it was mostly due to standard procedure. She follows her own rules; sitting only when there is a treat involved and loves to fetch. At the dog park she would to go up to the biggest dog and say hello while my husband was busy running the other way.

I saw a friend this weekend who had told me Rosita was such a cute puppy she would grow up to be an ugly dog. . . .I believe her prediction is wrong :)

Then when we look at adopting again the first requirement is they have to past the Rosita test. Once I brought home a beautiful peach husky puppy who had been dropped off at the shelter. The result was too many Alpha female diva's in the room. My second try was a much better fit, my Chase. His adoption anniversary is coming up so next we'll be sharing his story!

Monday, May 24, 2010

We Prefer Sturdy

Tonight we (Chase, Mom and I) grew frustrated with technology and decided to go for a walk which turned into a jog.

Over the years I admit to putting on a few pounds. Last summer Mom was worried about me and the Kansas heat/humidity and asked the vet if shaving me would be better (she knew I am slightly vain and would be devastated in being bald). He replied:
"It's not so much the fur as the 'extra'".
We gasped. You don't say such things to a lady.

Admittedly, I have never missed a meal, a scrap on the floor of if Chase isn't quick enough maybe his share too. But don't call me fat. Mommy says we are sturdy girls in our house. I tend to agree there is nothing wrong with that.

Though after dragging tail more than I would have liked today (but we did finish strong) Mom and I have made an agreement to make the runs more regular and treats in moderation. One of the downfalls of being Head-Taster for the business, they are all so good! Plus, I am not a swim suit ready dog just yet.

Run on friends! While I recooperate on the cool tile and with an ice cube.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rosita's Story

As we were in the kitchen baking up some delicious treats tonight we realized we hadn't shared with you Rosita's story. Our apologizes. The history is what got us to the present and we feel it is important to share. This will probably be at least a two part blog as Rosita has much to share, as told by Mom.

On April 8, 2005 I was celebrating my birthday by working; setting up our booth for the Southern Women's Show in Memphis. Previously in the week I had told our foster care coordinator I had been working at the Humane Society for about a month and I could foster a puppy if one was needed. That day as I was setting up for the event Kathy called and told me a puppy had been turned in and it was the cutest thing ever, could I foster it. . . .."Why not."

To preface my husband was in school still, I had just finished grad school and we were living in an apartment. Pets were allowed but we hadn't asked if we could have one. When I asked my husband if I could foster her, promising that after she had finished her shots and been spade she would go up for adoption. So it was really just a temporary thing.

"Jenny we don't need a dog!" was his response.

Well the next morning in my office was a 4lb furry puppy. The absolute cutest thing I had ever seen. I was told they had named her Shorty (that had to go) and her breed was part Rottweiler (at five years we think she is more of a sheltie/collie/chow/princess mix). And their reason for turning her in was that she was 6 wks and not house trained yet. Poor baby was limping too so we suspect she was abused. The couple who surrendered her tried to come back for her later and change their mind, not an option. (this photo is at 3 months I can't find her baby pics at the moment)

The first thing to remedy was her name. I don't have any kids and hadn't had a dog since living with my parents so this was a big decision. The cover story for the day on the Commercial Appeal involved the character and a picture of Rosita from Sesame Street. I'm a fan of the classic show and thought is was perfect name. Good-bye Shorty, hello Miss Rosita.

The rest of the day Rosita was with me at the Southern Women's Show. Everyone loved her and she still had puppy breathe. Intoxicating, I'm sure that is how some people feel about babies. A vendor lent me a papoose and matching visor for her (embarrassing and over the top but she was adorable) and it was a big hit in our Humane Society doggie fashion show.

When I got home my husband wasn't really thrilled but he agreed she was sweet. Her kennel was set up in the living room and when I went to bed Brett felt bad for her and turned the light to the fish tank off so it wouldn't keep her up. Needless to say she has been wrapped around his finger ever since. And another example of how I am always right :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mother's Pride

I'm going to gush about something that may seem very simple and perfect, only to a pet parent. Please forgive me.

Chase has never been a dog to fetch. Rosita has an intense ball drive and will demand anyone and everyone to play with her. In our attempts to teach Chase he runs after the ball and then moves on to something else. Or, he will race Rosita to the prize and take it the opposite direction to spite her.

Well this morning I heard what sounded like a ball drop on the deck. Since we've started mowing all of the toys have been brought in and Rosita was on the floor beside me. Looking outside I saw Chase standing over a baseball. Our neighbor's son has been playing catch with his friends and apparently missed one that strayed into our yard. (Seeing a high schooler run through our yard one night prompted me to close the blinds for fear of walking out in my sweatpants and scarring the poor child for life.) I will toss it back on their side of the fence tonight, hopefully they won't mind a few chew marks.

Granted the task of dropping a ball on the back porch isn't much, but I was really proud of Chase. Not only for the fetching element, but also that he could find anything in our overgrown yard. And maybe it wasn't fetching but more so retrieving but he is my baby and handsome and can do no wrong.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


This morning we spotted the first rabbit in the backyard. I'm not afraid or worried about Mom's garden, as it is in pretty sad shape, and I have a feeling they aren't in our yard to tend the dandelions. Honestly they do nothing for me; by the time I'm out the door they are gone anyway.

The dilemma is Chase. Upon opening the door he bolts and tries to catch the rabbits. Why? he's crazy. Last year the rabbits took up a nice residence directly outside the fence under the neighbor's shed. While we were inside they bounded into the yard, looted the garden and when we came out to get some fresh air they bounced to safety outside the fence. Still sitting in plain sight: mommy, daddy, baby, cousins, tons of little bunnies. Chase wanted a bunny so bad; he barked, paced the fence and refused to come inside even with the promise of a Banana Bite. Our favorite.

Poor Chase, daily torments from the furry little critters. White tails, twitchy noses and fluffiness. It was too much for him. He did it; he jumped the back fence and the rabbits hid underneath the shed out of his reach. This wouldn't have been a big deal but he soon lost interest in the rabbits and followed the scents of the neighborhood. Mom was not happy. Neither of us passed obedience, basically the certificate was given to feel like we got our money's worth.

As Chase meanders up the street leaving messages here and there, Mom follows promising treats and a ride in the car while really she grits her teeth and curses her ill-behaved children in her head. He keeps walking. Eventually he met a nice shepherd mix which provided an opportunity to slip his leash on. . . . .

Unfortunately, this isn't the only time Chase has jumped the fence in search of rabbits, cats, neighbor dogs and sent the parents into a panic. During winter the mounds of snow put a halt to the running start needed to clear the fence. But now the snow is gone you can hear Mom call, "Chase are you still in our yard?" from the kitchen and see her peaking out to check-in. Secretly she is hoping he has forgotten his super dog abilities or that he has become her well-behaved son. Myself, I am on the sturdy side so jumping requires way too much energy and I have come to the realization air-conditioning and treats are not provided in the great out-of-doors.

With the return of the rabbits, it could be another season of 'chasing' Chase.

*Chase has identification on his collar as well as a micro-chip.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Business Bites

Don't get me wrong. I'm very excited to have my own business but getting here wasn't easy; there were times I even considered changing political parties. The amount of paperwork, permits, all the hoops you have to jump thru is exhausting. But thanks to the help of several friends, neighbors, and a friend-of-a-friend we are up and running. Kinda. Since we have no start-up money mom cleaned house and had a yard sale and we have bartered for a lot: website, photography, logo design, business cards, legal counseling. Thank goodness dog people are great people.

Rosita's Ruff Cakes LLC was founded February 25, 2010 (my 5th birthday). Mom was having a slow day at the office and was day-dreaming of opening her own doggie daycare when she noticed the name she wanted to use was already occupied. She decided to stop wasting time and put her favorite skill (in my opinion) to use as a stepping stone, quitting her day job would have freaked Dad out. For years Mom has made the best treats for Chase (my brother) and I; at Christmas our neighbors get some goodies as well. My favorites are Banana Bites and birthday cake, yummy!

This is my first experience with blogging so please bear with me as I find my voice. Occassionally I will share the spotlight with Mom and Chase. If you ask my parents they will tell you I'm a sheltie, collie, chow, princess mutt. Mostly princes. Chase is a yellow lab, terrie mix. Were were both brought home from work when mom was working at the Memphis Humane Society. Sucker.

Hopefully you will learn that I am more than just a pretty face, but also a hard worker with great confections. I look forward to growing our business and sharing our ups and downs with you.